Year of the TIGER. KUNG HEI FAT CHOI! As 2010 begins it's a year of a metal tiger. Are you one of those people? According to the Chinese, the tiger s known as brave and engaging. if you have a tiger in the house it is good protection against the evils of fire.
People born in the year of the TIGER have a characteristics of being self-reliance, friendliness, hopefulness and vanity. For those born in the metal element give the like to stand out in a crowd with competitive demeanor . With good character, they sometimes have a mood swings and tantrums. They jump into conclusions and act quickly without weighing the consequences. They are sensitive, short tempered which came into conflict specially with those in authority or elders. Tigers are compatible with dragons, dogs and horses.
Happy Chinese New Year to all!
Genial post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
i think i would agree more on the temper characteristics of a tiger.
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